Friday, July 30, 2010

Final Project Report - Title & Cover page formats

A Project Report on

(title of the project)
                                 (NAME OF THE ORGANIZATION)
        Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award

                                      Hyderabad (A.P.)
Regd. No 08D61E00…(… Specialization)

Department of Management Studies
Raja Mahendra College of Engineering-Ibrahimpatnam-501506
(Affiliated to JNTU-Hyderabad)
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Raja Mahendra College of Engineering-Ibrahimpatnam
Department of Management Studies


 This is to certify that the project work entitled, ……………………… “at
……………………. is a bonafide work carried out by …………………….. , in partial fulfillment of the award of Master of Business Administration at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University during the year 2008-2010.

Project Guide                                                                          Head of the Department

External Examination conducted on…………….

Name of the examiners

Signature with date

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                                                COMPANY NAME
                                              Complete Address with phone no:

Ref No:………………….                                                                  Date:………….


This is to certify that. ……………………(Name of the student) Reg .No:08D61E00--, a student of M.B.A., IV Semester, Raja Mahendra College of Engineering, Ibrahimpatnam, has undergone project work with. ……………………(Name of the Company) from …………………to ………………… . He has success fully completed the project work on ……………………………(Title of the Project)

                                                                                                Authorized Signatory
                                                                                                (Name with Designation)
                                                                                                            Office Seal

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I ………………….. (Name of the student), Reg.No  :08D61E00--, and a student of IVsemester of M.B.A. , in Raja Mahendra College of Engineering , here by declare that the project work entitled as ……………………..(Title of the Project) carried at (company’s name) is a original work carried out by me availing the guidance of project guide and to my entire satisfaction this report bears no resemblance with any other report submitted to JNTU, Hyderabad during the current academic year, earlier or to other University for the award of any degree or Diploma. The contents of report are based on the data collected by me during the project tenure at ……………………(Company’s Name)

          I am presenting this during the year 2008-2010 in partial fulfillment of the award degree of Master of Business Administration.

Date:…………                                                            Signature of the Student
Hyderabad                                                                   Reg.No  :08D61E00--

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      I express my deep sense of gratitude and regards to Dr.K.Prabhakar Rao, Principal, Prof.B.Sundara Rao, Head of the Management Studies Department, Raja Mahendra College of Engineering, Ibrahimpatnam for their continuous support and encouragement in completing this project. 

      I am immensely thankful to my internal project guide…………………, for his/her valuable guidance in preparation of project work.

      I would like to express my gratitude to management and staff of. (Company.Name) for providing me the opportunity to work in their esteemed organization for this project.

     I also offer my sincere thanks to all those who involved directly or indirectly in developing this project.

 Date                                                                         Signature of the Student
Hyderabad                                                                  Reg.No  :08D61E00--

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