Friday, September 16, 2011

Guidelines for Evaluation of Seminar Presentation in 3 –Semester of MBA(2011-12)

Raja Mahendra College of Engineering-Ibrahimpatnam
Department of Management Studies
          Guidelines for Evaluation of Seminar Presentation in 3 –Semester of MBA
1.       For Seminar there will be only internal evaluation of 50 marks. A candidate has to secure a minimum  of 50% to be declared successful. The assessment will be made by a Board consisting of HOD and two other internal staff members of the department. It is decided to allocate the internal evaluation marks, under the following heads
1. Regular Presentation        - 15 marks
2. A Mini Project submission- 25 marks
3. Seminar on MINI Project - 10 marks

2.       A candidate shall be given chance to register for seminar along with a mini project work, with a                
Satisfactory attendance requirement of 75% of all the subjects.

3.       The work on the mini project shall be initiated in the beginning of 3-semester and the duration is for one semester only.

4.       A candidate is required to get the approval of the Department for the selected topic of mini project to initiate the work.

5.       A candidate shall make an oral presentation in the form of seminar and viva-voce examination shall be conducted by a Board consisting of supervisor, HOD and the internal examiner.

6.       The Mini Project  Report should include
- Significance of the study
- Objectives
- Methodology
- Limitations
- Guidelines for future research besides   ----             1.Contents (Chapter wise with page no’s)               
               2. Conclusion               3. Suggestions             4. Bibliography

         7.   Technical Specifications:
-The length of the report shall be in between 50 to 60 pages.( A4 size papers)
-1.5 line space with “Justify”
-Letter size: Times New Roman with font size of 12 for text, 14 for side headings, 16 for Headings.
-There should not be any underlines and underscores.
-Each page should be numbered at right bottom.

          8.    The Mini project Report should also contain:
-  Certificate of the Project guide as to the originality of work.
-  A student of the Candidate mentioning that the work is original one and has not been submitted earlier.
- Two copies of Mini Project work certified by the supervisor shall be submitted to the Department.

          9.  Review of Projects by the concerned supervisors:
          -  A candidate is required to submit the status report on the work progress of project on a                           
             Periodical basis every week to the concerned supervisor /internal guide.
          - The internal guide is requested to review the progress of the project work of the students and      
               guidelines should be given accordingly. A review report on the project activity should be
               submitted to the Head of the Department in every month, highlighting any important issue.
         10. The schedule for completion of the Mini Project Reports are given as
        Last Date for Submission
Approval for the Project Topics
Completed Reports