Sunday, December 5, 2010

IAR - Title Pages

______________________________ INDUSTRY

Submitted by
_________________________________ (Name of the Student),
( Regd. No. 09D61E00--, 3- Semester – M.B.A.,)

Guided by :
____________________________( Name of the Faculty with Designation )

Department of Management Studies,
Raja Mahendra College of Engineering – Ibrahimpatnam – 501 506
( Affiliated to J.N.T.U., - Hyderabad )
( Year of Study  2010-11 )

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Raja Mahendra College of Engineering – Ibrahimpatnam – 501 506
( Affiliated to J.N.T.U., - Hyderabad )



          This is to certify that we have examined the Industry Analysis Report and work carried out by ------------------------------------- (Name of the Student , Regd. No. 09D61E00--, 3- Semester, M.B.A., are assessed.

          We hereby accord out approval of it as a project work carried out and presented in a manner acquired for it acceptance in a partial fulfillment of part of  completion of 3-Semester course of M.B.A.

Date : -----------------------                                      Project Guide

Head of the Department

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          I, ---------------------------------------------- (Name of the Student ) of   3 – Semester, M.B.A., ( Regd. No.  09D61E00--) would like to declare that the Industry Analysis Report entitled -------------------------------------- ( Title of the project ) is original and bonafide work of mine, which has not submitted any where earlier.

Place : Ibrahimpatnam
Date : ---------------------                                 ------------------------------
                                                                     ( Signature of the Student )
                                                  Name : ________________________

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          I would like to be pleased to express my sincere gratitude and regards to my project guide ------------------------------------- ( Name of the guide with designation ) , distinguished teacher of Department of Management Studies, Raja Mahendra  College of Engineering, Ibrahimpatnam.

          I take this opportunity to than our Head of the Department,    Prof. B. Sundara Rao and also like to extend my fullest gratitude and regards to the faculty members of Department of Management Studies, for their guidance which helped me in successfully completing the work.

          Once again, my sincere thanks to all those people who involved directly or indirectly in developing this project.

Place : Ibrahimpatnam
Date : ---------------------                                 ------------------------------
                                                                    ( Signature of the Student )
                                                        Name : ________________________


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