Friday, February 11, 2011

MBA - Final Project guidelines for the batch 2009-11

Department of Management Studies


1.0       GENERAL

1.1       Registration of Project Work            :           A candidate is permitted to register for the project work after satisfying the attendance requirement of all the courses
( theory and practical courses )..

1.2              Every student shall work on projects approved by the Department of the College.

1.3              The duration of the project work is for one semester.

1.4              Three (3) copies of Thesis, certified by the supervisor shall be submitted to the Department of the College.

1.5              The Project report shall be adjudicated by one examiner selected by the University out of 5- member panel submitted by the college who are eminent in that field of study.

1.6              The viva-voce examination of the project report shall be conducted by a board consisting of the External examiner, the Head of the Department and Supervisor.
The Board shall jointly report candidates work as
A         - Excellent
B         - Good
C         - Satisfactory
D         - Unsatisfactory

Head of the Department shall coordinate and make arrangements for the conduct of viva-voce examination.

1.7              If the report of the viva-voce is not satisfactory, the candidate will retake the viva-voce examination after three months. If he fails to get a satisfactory report at the second viva-voce examination, he will not be eligible for the award of the degree, unless the candidate is asked to revise and resubmit. If the report of the examiner is unfavorable again, the project shall be summarily rejected.


2.1       Every student shall work on projects approved by the Department of the College after satisfying submission of synopsis.

2.2       The project should consist of 
Significance of the study
Sampling and Methodology
Statistical Techniques used, if any
Limitations, if any
Guidelines for future research besides   – Standard Certificates
                                                               -  Contents (chapter wise with page no’s)
                                                                           -  Conclusions
                                                                           -  Suggestions
                                                                           -  Bibilograpy

2.3        Technical specifications :
The length of the report shall be in between 60 and 80 pages ( Executive A4 size paper)
1.5 line space, with “Justify”
Letter Size : Times New Roman with font size of 12 for Text,  14 for Side Headings, 16 for Headings.
There should not be any underlines and underscores.
Three(3) copies of  report should be submitted in a bound volume.           

2.4        The Project report should also contain :
-         Certificate of the Project guide as to the originality of work.

-         A certificate from the organization where the candidate underwent Practical Training for the period granted.

-         A Statement of the candidate mentioning that the work is a original one and
has not been submitted earlier either to JNT University or to any other institution of the requirement of a course of study.

2.5       A model viva-voce examination will be conducted on Project work report and all the candidates are required to attend the same. If required candidate may have to give a PPT Presentation on their work followed by Viva.

3.0       Review of  Project Works by the concerned supervisors:

3.1         A candidate is required to submit the status report on the work progress of project 
             on every week to the concerned supervisor / internal guide.

3.2         The internal guide is requested to review the progress of the project work of the 
       students and guidelines  should be given accordingly. A review report on the
       project activity should be submitted to the Head of the Department in every 

3.3         The schedule  for completion of the Project Reports are given as
Last Date for Submission
Synopsis and Approval for the Project Topics
Completed  Project Reports                                        

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