Monday, March 5, 2012



MARKETING Specialization :

1. Consumer Awareness / Perception

2. New Product Development

3. Channel of Distribution

4. Marketing Opportunities

5. Market Potential

6. Consumer attitude

7. Product attribute preferences of customers

8. Advertising campaign

9. Buyer behaviour

10. Product positioning

11. Marketing strategy

12. New product launch

13. Formulation of Advertisement Plan

14. Marketing management practices

15. Customer relationship Management

16. Advertisement impact

17. Dealers / Retailers importance in Marketing

18. Impact or effect of Advertisement

19. Service Industry – marketing strategy

20. Brand awareness

21. Brand loyalty

22. Consumer satisfaction

23. Marketing of health care products / Dairy products

24. Rural marketing

25. Tele marketing / Internet marketing – Marketing strategies

26. Network marketing

27. Market potentiality

28. Marketing of health tourism

29. Branded products versus Assembled products

30. Growth of Business wrt marketing strategy


1. HR Planning and Recruitment

2. HRM Practices

3. Impact of Training on Performances

4. Knowledge Transfer

5. HR Accounting

6. Role of HRM in an Organisation

7. Selection and Recruitment Procedures

8. Appraisal Strategies

9. Settlement and Grievance handling

10. Labour and Employee Turnover

11. Employee Retention practices

12. Governance capabilities

13. Philosophy of HR Management

14. Mergers and Acquisitions

15. Change Management / Role of Change agent in an organization

16. Affect of Leadership on Performance of the Organization

17. Role of HRM in TQM

18. Incentive schemes

19. Work measurement

20. Study of Employee morale and attitudes

21. Salary Administration and Pay Revision Management

22. Motivation / Training needs

23. Design of Personal Information System

24. E – learning

25. Performance and appraisal and counselling

26. Quality of Work

27. HRD strategies and Industrial Relations.

28. Reward System

29. Job satisfaction

30. Organizational climate


1. Capital structure

2. Financial Modelling of a company for last 10 years, leading to a analysis of its ratios.

3. Liquidity Analysis..

4. Comparative Valuation.

5. Corporate lending

6. Industry analysis and company analysis on a scenario basis,

7. Competitiveness, growth potential and credit analysis

8. Debtor management

9. Research in Risk management, Banking, Derivatives etc

10. International Banking,

11. Foreign Exchange,

12. Monetary Economics,

13. Micro Finance,

14. Rural Finance

15. The Effects of Financial Constraints on Corporate Investment Decisions and Demand for Liquidity

16. Corporate finance

17. Capital budgeting

18. Virtual finance

19. Financial Planning and forecasting

20. Structured Finance

21. Computational finance

22. Optimization Methods in Finance

23. Dependence on external finance: an inherent industry characteristic

24. Project Finance as a Tool for Growth Creating Value through Financial Management

25. Cost Reduction and Control

26. New Financial Approaches for the Economic Sustainability in Manufacturing Industry

27. Activity-based costing and management

28. Fundamental Analysis to Assess Earnings Quality

29. EQA Earnings quality Analysis

30. Zero Base Budgeting

31. International business

32. International finance

33. Investment banking

34. Investment management

35. Venture Capital

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