Saturday, January 10, 2015

Summer Internship Title Pages - MBA (2013-15)



< Company Name >

Submitted by:
Name of the Student
(Regd. No. 13D61E00--)

Department of Management Studies
Raja Mahendra College of Engineering-Ibrahimpatnam-501506
(Affiliated to JNTU-Hyderabad)
                    January 2015
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Raja Mahendra College of Engineering-Ibrahimpatnam

                                DEPARTMENT OF MANGEMENT STUDIES

         This is to certify that we have examined the Summer Internship Report and work carried out by < Name of the Student >,  Regd.No.13D61E00--, 3rd-Semester MBA are assessed.

Place : Ibrahimpatnam                                                         Head of the Department                                

Seminar conducted on…………….

Name of the examiners

Signature with date

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                                                COMPANY NAME
                                              Complete Address with phone no:

Ref No:………………….                                                                  Date:………….


This is to certify that. ……………………(Name of the student) Reg .No:13D61E00--, a student of M.B.A., III Semester, Raja Mahendra College of Engineering, Ibrahimpatnam, has undergone Summer Internship  with. ……………………(Name of the Company) from …………………to ………………… . He has success fully completed.

                                                                                                Authorized Signatory
                                                                                                (Name with Designation)
                                                                                                            Office Seal

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            I,  < Name of the Student >  of  3rd-Semester MBA, Regd.No.13D61E00--would like to declare that the Summer Internship Report  is  original and bonofide work of mine, which has not submitted any where earlier.

Place   :Ibrahimpatnam                                                  
Date    :                                                                  < Name of the Student>

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