Friday, April 24, 2015

RMCE-II year M.B.A., 4-Sem First Mid Exam ( April-2015) Question Papers

Department of Management Studies (M.B.A)
II year M.B.A., 4-Semester First Mid Examination ( April-2015)
Subject : Entrepreneurship
Time : 2 Hours                                                                                                           Max.Marks : 40

Note : Answer Part-A compulsory. Answer any 3(Three) from Part-B.

Part – A                                  (4 * 4 marks= 16marks)

1.      Write short notes on the following.
(i)                 Factors of influencing Entrepreneurship
(ii)               Approaches to Entrepreneurship.
(iii)             Sources of stress
(iv)             Role of creating Thinking.

Part – B                                  (3 * 8 marks= 24marks)

2.      (a)        What is Entrepreneurship
(b)        Explain the functions and characteristics of Entrepreneur.

3.      Explain the importance of Entrepreneurship in Indian Economy.

4.      (a)        Explain about model of Entrepreneurial motivation
(b)        Mention the theories of   Entrepreneurial motivation.

5.      (a)        What is the critical steps of corporate strategy.
(b)        Explain the process of creativity.

6.      What are the path ways to new ventures for entrepreneurs.

Department of Management Studies (M.B.A)
II year M.B.A., 4-Semester First Mid Examination ( April-2015)
Subject : Retailing Management (E-4 ; Marketing)
Time : 2 Hours                                                                                                           Max.Marks : 40

Note : Answer Part-A compulsory. Answer any 3(Three) from Part-B.

Part – A                                  (4 * 4 marks= 16marks)

1.      Write short notes on the following.
(i)                 Different types of retail formats
(ii)               Retail Life cycle.
(iii)             FDI in Retail
(iv)             Target market.

Part – B                                  (3 * 8 marks= 24marks)

2.      (a)        What is Retail Management. Discuss about functions and evaluation of Retailing.
(b)        What would be the social and economic impact of retail development in India.

3.      (a)        Explain strategic retail planning process.
(b)        What are the major components of a Retail mix.

4.      (a)        What are the factors which affect buying behavior of a customer of a retail shopper.
(b)        Explain the process of Merchandise Management.

5.      (a)        Explain store based Retailing.
(b)        Explain retail organization structures in detail.

6.      Explain the following with Indian Examples.
(i)                 Air port retailing
(ii)               Super market
(iii)             Cash and carry

Department of Management Studies (M.B.A)
II year M.B.A., 4-Semester First Mid Examination ( April-2015)
Subject : Strategic  Investment and Financing Decisions (E-4 ; Finance)
Time : 2 Hours                                                                                                           Max.Marks : 40

Note : Answer Part-A compulsory. Answer any 3(Three) from Part-B.

Part – A                                  (4 * 4 marks= 16marks)

1.      Write short notes on the following.
(i)                 Decision Tree approach and its advantages
(ii)               Different methods used for analyzing Risk.
(iii)             Concept of Hertz simulation
(iv)             Significance of Information and Data Bank in Project Selection.

Part – B                                  (3 * 8 marks= 24marks)

2.                  What is the relationship between risk and return as per capital asset pricing model.

3.      (a)        What are the steps involved in sensitivity analysis.
(b)        Compare and contrast NPV and IRR.

4.                  How does inflation influences the capital budgeting decisions. Illustrate the
             statement by giving suitable examples.

5.                  Explain terminal value method with help of an example.

6.      A company  considering two projects which require an initial outlay of Rs. 50 lakhs. The expected cash inflows from the project is as follows:

Project I
Project II
(i)                 If the two projects are mutually exclusive and the cost of capital is 15%, which project should the firm invest in.
(ii)               If the cost of capital is 14%, which is the modified IRR of each project.

Department of Management Studies (M.B.A)
II year M.B.A., 4-Semester First Mid Examination ( April-2015)
Subject : Service Marketing (E-5; Marketing)
Time : 2 Hours                                                                                                           Max.Marks : 40

Note : Answer Part-A compulsory. Answer any 3(Three) from Part-B.

Part – A                                  (4 * 4 marks= 16marks)

1.      Write short notes on the following.
(i)                 Different types of services
(ii)               Customer expectation and Customer satisfaction.
(iii)             Positioning services in competitive market
(iv)             Main objectives of customer feedback system

Part – B                                  (3 * 8 marks= 24marks)

2.      (a)        What are the main reasons for the growing share of the service sector in all major 
economics of the world.
(b)        Discuss the input of Technology on customer retention practices of companies.

3.                  Differentiate between Core services, Peripheral services, Support services and
facilitating services.

4.                  What roles do personal selling, advertising and public relations play in
(a)  Attracting new customers to visit a service outlet and
(b) retaining existing customers.

5.                   How should the concept of value addition be used in the marketing of Indian
services in global markets. Explain with suitable examples.

6.                  How are service quality, productivity and marketing related. Explain.

Department of Management Studies (M.B.A)
II year M.B.A., 4-Semester First Mid Examination ( April-2015)
Subject : International Financial Management  (E-5; Finance)
Time : 2 Hours                                                                                                           Max.Marks : 40

Note : Answer Part-A compulsory. Answer any 3(Three) from Part-B.

Part – A                                  (4 * 4 marks= 16marks)

1.      Write short notes on the following.
(i)                 Differences between Balance of Trade and Balance of Payment
(ii)               Forex market.
(iii)             Bid quote and Ask quote
(iv)             Euro commercial paper

Part – B                                  (3 * 8 marks= 24marks)

2.                  What are the fundamentals of Balance of Payments. Discuss various issues
pertaining to Balance of payments of India.

3.                  International Financial Management differs from domestic financial management
because of differences in culture, history and corporate governance. Explain.

4.                  Evaluate International Monetary System.

5.                   Who are the major participants in a Foreign Exchange market.

6.                  Write short notes on any 2(Two) of the following.

(i)                 International Business theories
(ii)               IMF and World Bank
(iii)             Current and Capital Account
(iv)             Economic and Monetary Union.

Department of Management Studies (M.B.A)
II year M.B.A., 4-Semester First Mid Examination ( April-2015)
Subject : Management of Change  (E-5; HR)
Time : 2 Hours                                                                                                           Max.Marks : 40

Note : Answer Part-A compulsory. Answer any 3(Three) from Part-B.

Part – A                                  (4 * 4 marks= 16marks)

1.      Write short notes on the following.
(i)                 Need for change and change levels
(ii)               Action Research and change model.
(iii)             Diagramming techniques
(iv)             Transactional and Transformational Leadership

Part – B                                  (3 * 8 marks= 24marks)

2.      What do you mean by change. Explain the process of change management.

3.      Why do people resist change. What measures can be taken to overcome the resistance.

4.      (a)        What are different forces of change.
(b)          Explain different types of organizational changes.

5.      What steps can a manger take to change in the organization.

6.       Distinguish teams and groups. Explain the various types of teams with examples

Department of Management Studies (M.B.A)
II year M.B.A., 4-Semester First Mid Examination ( April-2015)
Subject : International Marketing  (E-6; Marketing)
Time : 2 Hours                                                                                                           Max.Marks : 40

Note : Answer Part-A compulsory. Answer any 3(Three) from Part-B.

Part – A                                  (4 * 4 marks= 16marks)

1.      Write short notes on the following.
(i)                 Need for International Marketing
(ii)               Various components of International marketing environment.
(iii)             Direct and Indirect Exporting
(iv)             International Trade Agreement

Part – B                                  (3 * 8 marks= 24marks)

2.      What are the various approaches to international Marketing. Write a note on the consequences associated with international Marketing.

3.                  Differentiate among three international marketing concepts.

4.                  Indian Industry moves towards globalization by adopting different strategies.

5.                   Explain SWOT analysis and TOWS matrix.

6.                  Discuss the key features of EXIM policy and New Trade policy.

Department of Management Studies (M.B.A)
II year M.B.A., 4-Semester First Mid Examination ( April-2015)
Subject : Financial Derivatives  (E-6; Finance)
Time : 2 Hours                                                                                                           Max.Marks : 40

Note : Answer Part-A compulsory. Answer any 3(Three) from Part-B.

Part – A                                  (4 * 4 marks= 16marks)

1.      Write short notes on the following.
(i)                 Types of Derivatives
(ii)               Uses and Misuses of Derivatives.
(iii)             Models of option pricing
(iv)             Types of Hedges

Part – B                                  (3 * 8 marks= 24marks)

2.      (a)        Write about development and growth of Derivative markets
(b)           Distinction between Future and Forward market.

3.      (a)        What are the Mechanics of Future Markets.
(b)          Write about components of Hedge Ratio.

4.      (a)        What are the principles of Option pricing.
(b)        Explain about structure of forward and future markets.

5.      (a)        Differentiate between Put and Call option.
(b)        Write about Option trading strategies.

6.      A speculator credit a price interest in Gold Future market from current futures price of  Rs. 10,000 for 10 grams. The market lot is 100 grams. The speculator buys 1 lot of Future Gold at Rs. 1,00,000. Assume the margin money is 10%.
Calculate (i) What amount of margin is required.
     (ii) If price of gold interest by 20% then what is the profit to speculator.


Department of Management Studies (M.B.A.,)
M.B.A., II year – 4 Semester – First Mid Examination (April-2015)
Subject : Leadership (Elective – 6; HR)
Time : 2 Hours                                                                                                                       Max. Marks : 40

                        Note : Answer Part-A compulsory. Answer any Three questions in Part-B

Part – A                      Marks ( 4 * 4marks = 16marks)
            1.         Writ short notes on
                        (i)         Leadership components
                        (ii)        Five factor personality model
                        (iii)       Skill approach
                        (iv)       Leadership styles

Part – B                      Marks ( 3 * 8marks = 24marks)

            2.         Write notes on different approaches of Leadership.

            3.         Explain about Development Levels.

            4.         Describe about Ohi state studies.

            5.         Explain about path goal Theory.

            6.         Explain on Exchange Theory.
Department of Management Studies (M.B.A.,)
M.B.A., II year – 4 Semester – First Mid Examination (April-2015)
Subject : Compensation and Reward Management (Elective – 4; HR)
Time : 2 Hours                                                                                                                       Max. Marks : 40

                        Note : Answer Part-A compulsory. Answer any Three questions in Part-B

Part – A                      Marks ( 4 * 4marks = 16marks)
            1.         Writ short notes on
                        (i)         Totality Decision
                        (ii)        Job Analysis
                        (iii)       Pay for performance
                        (iv)       Employee Welfare

Part – B                      Marks ( 3 * 8marks = 24marks)

            2.         Differentiate between Job Analysis and Job Evaluation.

            3.         Define competitiveness and Evidence pay for performance plans.

            4.         Write notes on Performance appraisal system.

            5.         Write short notes on Mix and pay structure.

            6.         Mention about Importance of Retirement Benefits.

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